The Best We Can Do
As Israel's ongoing collective punishment of Palestinians and attacks on Gaza show, Israel will continue its belligerence and state terrorism unless it is made to pay a heavy price for its crimes against the Palestinian, Lebanese and other Arab peoples..
Why boycott?
It lets the Palestinian people know that they are not forgotten and the justice of their cause is recognised.
It sends a signal that the world will not sit by whilst Israel flouts UN resolutions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Convention and other international laws-Israel cannot be allowed to act with impunity.
It exerts moral pressure on the British Government by giving expression to the desire to move towards a more ethical foreign policy.
The most basic step is to stop buying products and services of Israeli companies and, whenever feasible, of international companies involved in Israel's human rights violations. Try to encourage your friends, family and community to join you in doing so.
It differs from country to country, but the most common Israeli exports include:
- fresh fruit and vegetables such as Jaffa citrus fruits and Israeli Medjoul Dates
- Ahava cosmetics
- SodaStream drinks machines
- Eden Springs bottled water
- Golan Heights Wineries and other Israeli wines
Show Your Love
Take Action Online: Online petitions and letter writing actions can be an important part of building pressure, especially when they are part of vibrant local campaigning too.It provides an excellent way of stimulating public debate, offers a focus for leafleting and discussion, as well as exerting moral and economic pressure on Israel to comply with international legislation and principles of justice.It enables decisions made in their everyday lives by people outside Israel and Palestine to refresh and reinforce their opposition to Israeli policy.
Campaign against your own community's complicity in Israel's violations of international law:
Israel is only able to maintain its occupation and apartheid system because of the massive, unconditional support it receives from international governments, companies and institutions, such as universities.
Get Involved
International support vital:
In the worst days of Apartheid South Africa, people thought it was impossible for anti-racist campaigners to succeed. But thanks to mass international support, they did. And we can, and must, do the same for the cause of Palestine.
Building a mass movement:
From public protests, to mass lobbies of Parliament, to building the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, Palestine Solidarity Campaign is making a difference. Lets build a mass movement that Palestine needs and deserves.
Not without you:
To build a mass movement we need people like you-people committed to human rights, equality and justice-to come and join us.
There are so many ways for you to get involved and help our brothers of Gaza:
- through your local awareness
- through your place of worship
- by joining events, rallies and lobbies